
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Video Game Showdown: Round 3

Welcome to De-evolution's Video Game Showdown, where we pit gaming's most notorious bad-asses against each other in a fight to the death. Which of your favorite characters will fall in a blaze of glory, and who will emerge victorious? That's for you to decide.

Round 3

Name: John 117/Master Chief

Profession: Spartan-II Commando of the UNSC Naval Special Warfare Command

Weapon of Choice: MA37 Individual Combat Weapons System Assault Rifle

Armor: MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor. Equipped with a regenerative shield that deflects incoming damage. 

Abilities: Exceptional Leadership Skills, Extensive Military Training, Recipient of the Spartan-II augmentation procedures which gives the subject faster reflexes, greater strength, enhanced eyesight, and makes bones nearly unbreakable. MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor provides further enhancements to physical abilities. 

Name: Commander Shepard

Profession: Systems Alliance Military Class N7, Captain of the SSV Normandy SR-1, First Human Spectre.

Weapon of Choice: M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle

Armor: N7 Defender Armor. Augments tech, bionic, and weapon damage. Equipped with a regenerative shield that deflects incoming damage.

Abilities: Extensive military training. Highly adaptable. Able to use Tech and Biotic abilities.

Two veteran soldiers, both credited with saving the human race from alien forces. Will Master Chiefs MJOLNIR exoskeleton be the key to victory, or will Commander Shepard's superior arsenal and abilities crush the super-soldier?  Vote now to choose your favorite!

Master Chief vs. Commander Shepard


Friday, March 22, 2013

VGS Showdown: Round 2 Winner

This week's match up saw two masters of stealth and infiltration battling it out in a no holds barred fisticuffs. Sam Fischer pitted his superior technology against the old school experience of Solid Snake. Who came out on top? You voted, and the results were clear.

With a unanimous vote, Solid Snake has emerged victorious over Sam Fischer, proving once again that modern technology is no match for a good ole cardboard box. Snake's superior experience in combat situations was too much for the veteran Splinter Cell agent, and Snake will advance to challenge another opponent. 

Check back for Round 3 of Video Game Showdown, and be sure to subscribe to The De-evolution of Video Games.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Update: EA Apologizes With Free Games

As an admission of fault, and a personal apology to those who have purchased and registered Sim City, EA is offering a handful of titles that may be downloaded for free.

Anyone who registered their copy of Sim City before today(March 18th), will receive their choice of the following games: Battlefield 3(Standard Edition), Dead Space 3(Standard Edition), Mass Effect 3(Standard Edition), Medal of Honor Warfighter(Standard Edition), Need For Speed Most Wanted(Standard Edition), Bejeweled 3, Plants vs. Zombies, And Sim City 4 Deluxe EditionThese games may be downloaded until March 30th. 

In response to the now notorious issues with Sim City, Maxis said that "servers are green and we're seeing a record number of players all online and having a great time". While most of the issues have been resolved, Maxis has stated that they have no intention of implementing offline play. 

On an entirely unrelated note (clears throat...), CEO John Riccitiello has submitted his resignation to EA's board of directors today. The resignation is cited as being a "mutual agreement" related to the decline in financial results that EA has experienced in the past year.

Former EA President Larry Probst will step in as acting executive chairman until a replacement is found. The company has not said that Riccitiello's resignation is directly related to the Sim City debacle, but the timing seems fishy to say the least.

How this will affect EA's future plans remains to be seen. Check back for further updates and the latest gaming news. Be sure to subscribe to The De-evolution of Video Games. 

Video Game Showdown: Round 2

Welcome to De-evolution's Video Game Showdown, where we pit gaming's most notorious bad-asses against each other in a fight to the death. Which of your favorite characters will fall in a blaze of glory, and who will emerge victorious? That's for you to decide.


Name: Sam Fischer

Profession: Former Navy Seal, Former 3rd Echelon Agent, Splinter Cell field agent.

Weapon of Choice: 20 round 5-7 SC Pistol with attached suppressor. SC-20k Modular Assault Weapon System with attached suppressor, selective fire, and an under slung grenade launcher used to fire various less-than-lethal devices.

Armor: 3E Shadow Armor. Used by Third Echelon field agents for covert operations, can be modified with up to three pieces of non-standard equipment to improve operational capability.

Abilities: Master of Stealth. Trained in various espionage techniques and infiltration tactics. Expert in urban warfare tactics, Computer hacking, explosives, and ambidextrous weapon use. Highly trained expert in the Israeli Martial Art of Krav Maga.

Name: Solid Snake

Profession: Former Green Beret, Former FOXHOUND Agent, Philanthropy agent.

Weapon of Choice: Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Phase II Prototype attached with suppressor, often partnered with a combat knife for use in CQC.

Armor: Silent Partner Special brand ballistics vest. Made of a fiber that is five times stronger than steel, able to diffuse and mitigate a bullet on impact. 

Abilities: IQ of 180. Extensive military training. Expert marksman. Master of stealth and infiltration techniques. Proficient with firearms and explosives. Product of genetic manipulation, providing greater agility and endurance than normal human beings. Highly adaptable to his environment. Master of CQC (Close Quarters Combat). Born on the field of battle.

Two masters of stealth and infiltration. Fischer is a modern agent who utilizes a wider range of technology to achieve his objectives. On the other hand, Snake was born and bred for battle. It's the old versus the new. Does Fischer's technology give him the advantage over Snake, or is Snake's experience his greatest weapon? Vote now to choose your favorite!

Sam Fischer VS Solid Snake

Sunday, March 17, 2013

VGS Round 1: Winner

Two combatants, only one can emerge victorious. Round one pitted two classic Nintendo characters against one another in a long over due fight to the death.

Intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran's survival skills were put to the test against the superior fire power of the Master Robot, Mega Man. It was a close fight, with each character alternately gaining, and losing, ground. In the end, only one could emerge victorious.

With 60 percent of the votes, Samus Aran has claimed the round one victory of Video Game Showdown. Her adaptability and superior speed were too much for the android, and Samus will advance to challenge her next opponent. 

Check back for Round 2 of Video Game Showdown, and be sure to subscribe for updates to The De-evolution of Video Games. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saints Row IV

"The climactic chapter of the saga that changed all the rules." Publisher Deep Silver has announced that the next installment to the Saints Row franchise will be released on PC and current generation consoles. The trailer suggests a darker tone than previous games, while maintaining the whimsical attitude of recent installments.

Deep Silver acquired the rights to the game and it's developer, Volition, after THQ dissolved earlier this year.

If any game can produce a trailer that features both superheroes, and guitar gun cases, it's Saint's Row. Saint's Row IV will hit shelves on August 20th of this year.

Check back for more updates on Saint's Row IV, and don't forget to subscribe to The De-evolution of Video Games.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Video GameShowdown: Round 1

Welcome to De-evolution's Video Game Showdown, where we pit gaming's most notorious bad-asses against each other in a fight to the death. Which of your favorite characters will be obliterated in a blaze of glory, and who will emerge victorious? That's for you to decide.

Round 1

Name: Samus Aran 

Profession: Bounty Hunter, former Galactic Federation soldier.

Weapon of Choice: The versatile arm cannon provides a number of beam and missile attachments. The basic power beam can be charged, dramatically increasing the weapons effectiveness. 

Armor: Power Suit. Designed to provide life support functions and allows Samus to survive for extended periods of time in the most harsh of atmospheres. Energy Tanks provide addition shielding in combat situations. Able to assimilate alien technological upgrades into it's system

Abilities: Excellent marksman. Capable or running and jumping far past the ability of normal humans. 


Name: Mega Man

Profession: Humanoid Robot

Weapon of Choice: Mega Buster. An arm mounted, particle based energy weapon that can be charged to increase damage output. Upgrades include the more powerful X Buster, and Z Saber.

Armor: Mega Man utilizes a variety of armors, each of which can be upgraded to augment nearly every aspect of the androids physical capabilities including strength, speed, and defense. Upgrades also allow for greater damage output from the Mega Buster, and the ability to charge newly acquired weapons.

Abilities: Mega Man's core design allows him to identify and replicate enemy weapons. He can charge newly acquired weapons using the Mega Buster.

Two armored, arm-cannon wielding heroes, both with upgrade-able weapons and armor. Who comes out on top? You decide. Cast your vote now!

Samus VS Mega Man

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who Should Play Agent 47?

First Tim Olyphant, and now Paul Walker. In a cosmic movie making joke, Hollywood has now crossed off the first two placeholders in the top ten "People who shouldn't portray Agent 47" list. Next on the list are Geena Davis and the Asian kid from Temple of Doom.

That's right, the Fast and the Furious guy has been selected to portray video games' coolest gun for hire. Little is known about the movie at this point, but will presumably feature 47 running over his targets in a neon Civic.

Contract LADY killer...right?
Seriously, Hollywood, it's no secret that movies based on video games suck, but does it have to be so blatant? Couldn't we get just a modicum of effort? Could you at least try to mask you thinly veiled scheme to make a quick buck?

Believe it or not, a movie does not need a Hollywood heart throb in the lead role to be successful. I would understand if you were making another Twilight rip off, but this is f**king Hitman! I think it's safe to say that we would prefer someone with a little less hair gel and a little more grit.

So once again, Hollywood is shrugging off the core audience of people who would be interested in this movie, and instead catering to mass appeal. After all, they are still making Fast and the Furious sequels and those movies are cleaning up. I'm still formulating my theories on that phenomenon, but so far they mostly involve mind control and cross roads deals.

Now I can sort of understand what they were thinking when they cast Olyphant. 47 is a man without emotion. Olyphant is an actor who is incapable of showing emotion. On paper it seemed like a perfect match, but when I watched the original movie I just kept asking myself how the least interesting character in Deadwood lost his hair. You can imagine my disappointment when I realized the movie wasn't about time travel and chemotherapy.

Is he street racing a Prius?
So naturally, the infinitely creative movie makers of the world are starting to realize that the Fast and the Furious movies are loosing steam and they need a new franchise to stick Paul Walker into. He's just too darn cute to waste, after all. With the release of the newest game, and the widely popular trend of making money without actually writing anything, Hitman seems like a natural choice. It will almost certainly top the box office and spawn countless mind numbing sequels.

But perhaps I'm being too hard on the movie making industry. After all it must be exhausting raking in boat loads of cash, while simultaneously doing nothing, ever. So, in an unprecedented act of generosity, I've decided to do some of the tedious legwork(ya know...thinking) that the writers, directors, and producers of our modern film studios simply can't be bothered with. Here are just a few relevant actors who would be better suited to portray our beloved Agent 47. And the first person who mentions Jason Stathom is getting shivved with a salad fork.

Bryan Cranston

This one seems like an obvious choice. Between Malcom in the Middle, and Breaking Bad, Cranston has shown his versatility as an actor. He is adept at conveying subtle yet complex emotions through facial expressions alone, which is integral when playing a man who says very little. With the final season of Breaking Bad airing later this year, the timing would have been perfect to nab the overnight household name.

Sean Bean

No stranger to portraying dark, brooding, three dimensional characters, Bean is largely know in the U.S. as the guy who died in that movie, and that other movie, and the other one, oh and also in that show. Bean has appeared in many geek-centric projects, from his roles in Lord of the Rings and Silent Hill, to the voicing of Martin Septim in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I can't help but think there might be a fan boy hidden behind his rugged gaze. When it comes to portraying an icon, I'll take a kindred spirit over a paycheck actor any day. Besides, I'd really like to see him live through something.

Aaron Eckhart

Shave the head, and get rid of the goofy grin, and this guy is Agent 47 incarnate. Another versatile actor, Eckhart has shown that he is adept at portraying everything for the a**hole to the love interest. Enough time has passed that audiences won't instantly see Harvey Dent, and an action oriented role would be a nice change of pace. He's not an actor you would immediately consider for the role of 47, which is a good thing. This sort of casting choice could help bring a fresh perspective to the character.

David Bateson

Last, but certainly not least. Who better to portray Agent 47 than Agent 47 himself? The South African actor has voiced 47 in every Hitman game to date, and was the physical model for the characters design. When IO Interactive created Agent 47, they literally just created this guy. Aside from voice acting, Bateson is an experienced screen actor. Considering that the guy has spent more than a decade voicing the character, you can't tell me he wouldn't jump at the chance of portraying him on screen.

Do you think Paul Walker is up to the task? Who do you think should play the Agent 47?

Please subscribe for the latest updates and gaming news.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Disaster Strikes Sim City/The Real Danger of Piracy

We are seeing it everywhere, and it has no doubt happened to most of us. After the long wait for that next great title to be released, we go to our local game store and plunk down our hard earned cash. After fighting the release day crowds, and reflecting on how you could have better spent 60 dollars, you get the game home only to realize that an online connection is required to play.

Now, the game you have purchased is not an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online). It is a single player game that requires an internet connection. Why is that? Sure, the obvious answer is to help prevent piracy, but does that really justify infringing on the rights of consumers?

A couple years ago, a friend and I were gearing up for the release of Civilization 5. Both being long time fans of the series, we couldn't wait to delve in Sid Meier's new masterpiece. We even went to a midnight release, eager to raise an empire worthy of Augustus and Rammesses.

Upon installing the game we were prompted to register with Steam, which was required to play the game. Both being avid gamers, we had an ever present online connection so this proved to be a mere inconvenience. However, after jumping through the redundant hoops that were required, we learned that Steam had not yet released the game therefor we were unable to play it.

Let me repeat that. We both possessed physical copies of the game, had installed individual copies on our respective computers, and had even complied with the required registration with a service that served absolutely no purpose. Despite these facts, we were not allowed to play the game that we bought, simply because Steam said so. My reaction could only be summed up in one way...

It is a trend that is becoming more popular in the industry. In fact, there have been rumors that next generation consoles will require an active internet connection to run at all. This whole idea is baffling to me. Imagine if you were suddenly required to have access to the internet in order to watch your local television channels. It is a cheap marketing ploy that allows partnering companies to make double the money off of the same product.

Now I understand the importance of preventing piracy. It is a very real danger in the gaming world and damages the industry as a whole. However, the result of these measures is the assured alienation of the core fan base.

Video game giant EA is currently learning this lesson the hard way. With the release of the long awaited Sim City, Tuesday should have been EA's finest hour. Instead, they have become the textbook example of how to NOT launch a video game.

Anyone who bought the game, or follows gaming news, knows by this point that the launch of Sim City was a disaster. The sole problem comes from EA's insistence on using a DRM (Digital Rights Management) system. Used as an anti piracy measure, the implementation of this system means that your single player game is now, essentially, an MMO.

Instead of existing solely on your computer, your game world, along with everyone else's, is now housed on EA servers. Anyone who has played an MMO on the day of it's launch has learned that millions of people logging into a server simultaneously can, and will, cause some major problems. Unfortunately, this fact seems to have escaped publishers.

From the moment the game was launched, players were greeted with error messages, faulty connections, and slow download times. Furthermore, EA is using a cloud save system which, occupying the same server space, is also being overloaded. This effectively means that, if you have managed to successfully play the game, your saves may be unavailable, or gone entirely, upon rebooting the game. The use of a DRM has, for the time being, turned Maxis' chief title and largest franchise into a playable demo.

These problems continue to persist and gamers have no choice but to sit back and patiently wait for the problems to be fixed. In the meantime EA has disabled components of the game, and are refusing to give refunds. While the company is currently working on ways to fix the problems, if you manage to log on you will be playing an unfinished game that may or may not save your progress. To be clear, the game itself is fine. The problem lies entirely with the servers. Now I have to ask, why the hell did this need to be an online game?

Again, piracy is bad, blah blah blah, but lets think about this logically for a moment. All of the gamers I know do not pirate games for several reasons. First, there are those who simply lack the knowledge. They would rather just buy the game than to deal with the hassle of learning how to do so. Those that do possess this knowledge just don't want to bother with it. If a game comes out that they are really looking forward to, and plan on playing extensively, they have no problem plunking down the 60 bucks.

In my opinion there are two types of games: Those you don't mind paying for, and those you aren't interested in enough to steal. I've never once known a person who would go through the trouble of pirating a game they didn't want to play, or the fan who wasn't willing to pay for the product. It's as simple as that.

I understand that these people do exist, but I think it's safe to say that the overwhelming majority of the gaming community are not like that. So I have to ask once more, are these few people really worth alienating your entire fan base?

The whole fiasco has cast a shadow on the games release. Longtime fans of the series are calling for refunds, and promotions for the game are being halted. It's actually kind of fascinating. I've never seen a game that was released and then almost immediately pulled from the shelves. It's a shame because, from what I understand, the game itself is really quite extraordinary.

Launch problems are understandable and even expected. No MMO in history has had a flawless release, but, and I can't stress this enough, Sim City is not an MMO. There is no reason that this game should have required an online connection. Unfortunately, this is the gaming world we live in. We can only hope that publishers will finally wake up to the reality that gamers are no longer the huddled minority. We are a generation of consumers that expect a reliable product. Until then, there are plenty of other ways to spend our hard earned cash.

Will Sim City's problematic launch prevent you from buying the game?  Should companies be rid of DRM's once and for all? Please leave a comment below.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Update: Assassins Creed

On the heels of the Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag announcement comes another hint at the future of the AC franchise.

The image was leaked today via  Little information is give, other than the Ubisoft logo in the bottom right corner. Whether Assassin's Creed: Phoenix Rising is a portable title to be released for the PS Vita, or is somehow related to the Assassin's Creed movie that is in production, remains to be seen. Check back for more news on the AC franchise.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

7 Guidelines for the Hardcore Gamer

iOS? Facebook? Casual gaming is for posers. You are a real gamer damnit, and you don't care who knows it. You can't be bothered with the inane details of everyday life, you have a higher purpose. You live your life by a code, a rigid set of rules, and you've done just fine so far.

Rule #1: Gaming Etiquette

Single player is fun, but multiplayer is where you shine. It's the one forum where you can present your unfathomable abilities to the rest of the unskilled world and allow them to bask in the light of your gaming brilliance. As a model of the gaming community, it is your responsibility to help others rise high enough to glimpse your level of excellence.

The most effective way to impart your vast knowledge is to ridicule your team-mates mercilessly. Every mistake, every misstep must be pointed out and vastly exaggerated. It is your goal, as supreme gamer, to mock and humiliate anyone who is not you. This helps them to better understand their shortcomings and rise above their own pathetic limitations. This is important: Always...ALWAYS inform them that they should learn to play the game before hopping online.

As for your opponents, well, suffering the humiliation that is to come is punishment enough. HAHA! Just kidding. Your dominance must be displayed immediately. Insults directed at the opposing team's family and sexuality are key. The more violent and offensive, the better. If more than 30 seconds passes in a game lobby before someone stutters a racial or cultural slur, then you have not done your job properly.

Rule #2: Risk it For the Biscuit

Low on health? Getting mobbed by the other team? You laugh in the face of danger. Your reflexes are sharp and you are always three steps ahead. These are the moments you live for. When the day is done, and the bodies have been cleared away, you will stand victorious. A testament to modern men.

It is the indefinable element that separates you from other gamers. You see the opportunities and you take them. Ignoring the odds, math is stupid anyway, you plunge into the enemy horde. Hacking, slashing, shooting, kicking, whatever it takes to bathe in the digitally rendered blood of your enemies.

But this is not mere blood lust you see, for there is a method to your madness. You are a strategist. An artist really. You weave tapestries with your bullets, and create symphonies with your grenades. Victory is but a single nerd rage away. These are the times to celebrate, to look back and bask in the sheer genius of your well laid plans. Unless it doesn't work, but that's because the other team is cheating.

Rule #3: Dealing with Lag

It's the one thing that stands between you and the gaming hall of fame. Every hardcore gamer is all too familiar with it. Whether you are playing on a shoddy server or suffering from a slow internet connection, lag can mean the difference between life and death.

The key to dealing with lag is to announce it's presence at every turn, and to blame it vigorously. Someone get the jump on you? Lag. Failed to dodge a sword thrust in time? Lag. Lose a game? Lag. It's the only explanation for failure from a gamer of your caliber.

On the other hand, if another player claims to be experiencing lag, they are generally a noob who is making excuses. They must be ridiculed mercilessly. See Rule #1.

Rule #4: Career

Every gamer needs a source of income. At 60 bucks a pop, new games aren't going to buy themselves. This is where a true gamer needs to make a difficult choice and, lets face it, do you really want to spend 40 hours every week NOT playing video games?

Real gamers need jobs that will supply the bare minimum of cash, while simultaneously providing enough time for things that are important. This immediately eliminates any profession that requires you to be awake before 2 pm. Anyone who has ever been handed a controller and replied, "No thanks, I have to work early." is not a real gamer.

Fast food is the most commonly accepted profession for a gamer. Six hour shifts, flexible hours, and you can generally get away with faking an illness on those days when a new game is released. I recommend pizza delivery. Not much work is expected and tips will provide that extra influx of cash for random trips to Gamestop. Not to mention, you can almost always talk your way into a free pizza every now and then.

Side Note: You may be tempted to acquire a job that involves a cubicle and computer at your disposal. This is a beginners trap. While you would invariably be able to get in more gaming time when the boss isn't looking, these jobs often require some sort of degree. Who has time for that?

Rule #5: Relationships

For most of us, this is a non issue. Lets face it, we have waved bye-bye to the idea of a stable relationship years ago. However, for those gamers who manage to obtain a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife, it is important to find a person who will not interfere with your gaming duties.

Finding a partner who is also a gamer is ideal, but rare. While common interests are obviously shared, it is unlikely for two people who never leave their living room to actually meet. This poses a serious problem as gamers often end up dating non-gamers. Everything will start out great. He/she may even find your "hobby" initially charming. However, it's only a matter of time before the other party begins to feel neglected.

This reaction is common, and must be ignored at all costs. If your significant other is unable to sit through seven hour pwn sessions on a daily basis, then they are probably not the person for you. Eventually, your partner will suggest that you play games together in an attempt to heal the relationship and bring the two of you closer together. Isn't that cute?

The answer is no. No, it is not.

While you commend them for attempting to take interest in your life's work, this act can never take place. Precious hours will be wasted teaching them how to play, and constantly waiting for them to find your position on the map will ultimately lead to an aneurysm. You must concede that it is a good idea, and make a date to do so "sometime".

Headsets can help to drown out the sound of the subsequent nagging, crying, and alcohol abuse. Eventually, this person will threaten to leave you over some trivial matter. Just remember that birthdays come and go. If they really cared about you, they wouldn't insist on having theirs on the same day that an Assassins Creed game comes out.

Rule #6: Family and Friends

No group of people in the world will look down on your choice of lifestyle more than your family. They are a constant source of belittling, judgment, and guilt. After all, you had such potential. You could have really done something with your life. If only you had blah blah blah.

Family is a bit of a paradox for a gamer. They are a constant distraction, and yet you can't simply tell them to go away. They have faith in you, and this can be hard to discourage. The trick to dealing with familial relationships is to nurture their disappointment. Only call when you need something, make glaringly horrible decisions, avoid all opportunities for self improvement.

The goal here is to convince them that you are a lost cause, effectively making you the outcast of the family. Becoming an embarrassment of this caliber can take some time, but the results are undeniable. Soon you will only be burdened with their presence on major holidays.

Friends on the other hand do not hold you in such high regards. Simple neglect should do the trick here. Avoiding phone calls, cancelling plans, that sort of thing. For those friends who are hardcore gamers such as yourself, relationships must be nurtured. Fortunately, these are the easiest to maintain, as these people can generally be found on the couch next to you.

Rule #7: Can't reach it, don't need it.

You've made tremendous progress in maintaining your lifestyle. Your significant other has left, and you have alienated your friends and family. You've made enough tip money to buy the new Gears of War, and you are settling in for a long night.

A free pizza to your left, an extra pack of smokes to your right, and a bag of Doritos at your feet, all items are strategically place for optimum efficiency. Your whole day has built to this one moment. You once again find your place in the world, and you are at peace.The game starts up,  and then it happens...

As you glance to the kitchen, time stops. You realize your mistake. A four pack of Monster sits on the counter, mocking you. You are thirsty but the game has already started. Hours of preparation wasted.Your whole plan to pull an all-nighter is in jeopardy, and you begin to question if you have what it takes to be a real gamer. What do you do?

The answer is simple. Nothing. Sure you could pause the game and walk the ten feet to the kitchen, but that would cost you precious seconds of game play. Your significant other could have grabbed your drink for you, but they selfishly wanted a healthy relationship. For better or worse this is the path you have chosen. You stretch your fingers, pop open the Doritos, and look to the future. This is your destiny. The people of Earth are depending on you, and you'll be damned if an energy drink is going to get in the way.

You sit alone in the glow of your television, with no one to make the harrowing trek to the kitchen for you, and reflect. You pray that the COG's can lead humanity to victory, and you pray that your room mate wakes up early.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

New Assassins Creed? Yes please. After months of rumors, Ubisoft has announced the latest installment in the franchise. The game follows Edward Kenway, father of Haytham and grandfather of Conner. This will purportedly be the first game in what is being referred to as the "Kenway Saga". As per usual within AC game, the reveal trailer looks pretty awesome.

Even Blackbeard is impressed

As we've seen before, game play is featured heavily in the trailer. Obviously, Naval battle will take a more central role than in AC III. The duel wielding weapon system is back and seems to have been taken to the extreme. Edward is armed to the teeth, able to carry up to four pistols and is shown with two swords in addition to the signature Assassins wrist blade. 

Black Flag takes a step back in the timeline, taking place in the pre-Revolution 18th century Caribbean. No World War setting this time around kiddies. Edward is already a pirate when the game begins, and is designed to be much more charismatic and reckless than Conner. 

As with AC III, Black Flag will closely follow historical events. Ubisoft will attempt to dismiss the more fantastical elements of franchises such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and portray a darker, grittier, more realistic world.

Controlling Edward's ship, the Jackdaw, will be a central part of game play. Players will be able to customize and upgrade the ships, and the crews, equipment, take advantage of dynamic weather systems, and board enemy ships.

It's interesting to note that Desmond's story in the AC universe in finished. Stepping into the Animus this time around is an unnamed employee of Abstergo Entertainment, a Templar controlled company. How, or if, this new character is linked to Desmond and the Assassins has yet to be seen.

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag is scheduled for release on October 29th of this year, making it the final installment on current generation platforms. Check back for more updates on Black Flag. 

Are you excited to play a new Assassins Creed game? With the advent of the PS4, should Ubisoft have waited for a next gen release? Please comment below.