
Monday, October 28, 2013

VGS: Round 4

Hello, folks, and welcome to the return of Video Game Showdown! To recap; Round 1 saw Bounty Hunter Samus Aran blast longtime rival, Mega Man, back to the assembly line. In Round 2, Solid Snake's expertise triumphed over the superior technology of Sam Fischer, and in an astounding upset, Master Chief was routed by the adaptability of Commander Shepard in Round 3. 

As tradition dictates, the peace must be broken. Other challengers await the arena, and with the help of what is hopefully a more reliable polling system (fingers crossed), It is up to you to decide who will walk away victorious, and who will be carried.  Aaaannnndddd.......

Round 4

Name- Geralt of Rivia

Profession- Witcher (Monster Hunter)

Weapon of Choice- Geralt carries two, nearly identical, Greatswords. The first is made from meteoric steel and is used as an all purpose weapon. The second is crafted from silver. Being much more delicate, the silver sword is only used against enemies who have an aversion to the metal

Armor- Fashioned more for accessibility than for defense, Geralt's Studded Leather Armor contains a series of pouches and holsters that are used to carry various preparatory items such as potions and spell components.

Abilities- Gifted swordsman. Super human strength, reflexes, and dexterity. Heightened senses. Resistance to disease and poison.  A deep knowledge of alchemy enables him to brew a variety of potions that augment his physical and magic capabilities. Skilled in the art of "Sign" magic, allowing for a variety of both offensive and defensive spells. Geralt's strongest advantage is one of preparation. He never enters a fight without knowing exactly how to defeat his opponent. 

Name- Dante

Profession- Mercenary/Demon Hunter

Weapon of Choice- "Rebellion", a massive, double edged broadsword, is a physical manifestation of Dante's demonic power. His signature M1911 pistols Ebony, modified for long distance targeting, and Ivory, custom built for rapid firing and fast draw times, fire standard bullets that are infused with demonic power.  

Armor- None. Dante favors mobility over defense, and only wears his standard clothing into battle. 

Abilities- Expert swordsman and marksman. Superhuman strength, reflexes, and agility. Regenerative abilities allow for quick healing of injuries. The "Devil Trigger" ability allows Dante to transform into a demon, increasing his strength, speed and regeneration. Both "Devil Trigger" and healing abilities are taxing and can not be used permanently.  

Two masters of the paranormal. Both paranormal themselves. Will Dante's brute force triumph over Geralt's preparation, or will Geralt have yet another head for his mantle? You decide.

Geralt of Rivia VS Dante