
Monday, November 25, 2013

Games We Want. NOW!

Remember that game that you loved? You know the one. It's the game that defines gaming for you. The game that opened your eyes to a world of adventure and excitement that you never new existed. The one that immediately comes to mind when someone mentions video games. The game you always seem to find your way back to when the shelves at Gamestop run dry during that summer time game drought. 

Unfortunately for us aging gamers, our childhood treasures are being forgotten and replaced by endless cash grabs, clones, and sequels. Day after day, year after year, we are subjected to a constant stream of sub-par, pre-packaged nonsense intended to milk the gaming community out of their hard earned money. "Enough!", I say.

Enough with the yearly Call of Duty sequels, enough with the minor environmental changes of Assassin's Creed, enough with the endless failed attempts at making a decent Fable, and enough with the destruction of a beloved franchise that is so horrendous it warranted a three part rant that launched this very site.

Logically speaking, I understand the necessity of these aforementioned games. Some will make the valid argument that without the profit margins of these franchises, modern day video games may not be a viable business. 

Well today I'm not interested in logic. We are going to forget, for a moment, those hard truths that we have learned to live with. We are going back to our childhood, when profit margins and marketing campaigns didn't matter. All that mattered was that one game we lost ourselves in, and the pure unadulterated glee we felt at the announcement of a new adventure. 

These are not the games we need, but the games we deserve.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Alright, lets get one of the more obvious titles out of the way. For 15 years we have been enthralled with the city of Midgar and the battle of the Ancients. FF7 seemed to be the one perfect game to bridge the gap between the hardcore and the mainstream. It made Final Fantasy into a household brand, and is generally considered to be the best of the series.

FF7 is the first in the "PlayStation Trilogy", and I think we can agree that all three of these games (7-9) are great in their own respect, but FF7 holds a place in our hearts and minds as a representative of what Japanese RPG's were capable of. 

For years Square-Enix has teased us with the possibility of a remake, and year after year we are left waiting for the slightest chance that we will get to revisit this beloved world in a full HD remake. As if only to whet our appetites, Square-Enix even release an HD trailer that recreated the opening scenes of the original game.

The trailer was shown first as a Technical Demo on the show floor at the Square Enix Party 2005, and then again at E3 in 2006. For those not fortunate enough to have witnessed the showing at E3 first hand, the response from the crowd could only be described as unrestrained adulation. Now, seven years and and several sub par sequels later, we are still being yanked around by our apron strings. 

Quit playing with our emotions, Square Enix. There is a natural progression to things that should never be tampered with. The Cloud always comes before the Lightning.  

Half-Life 3

Does this one really need explanation? Half-Life 2 was a genre changing phenomenon that left anyone who played it clamoring for the next chapter. Sure we have been given spin-off games such as the Portal series, and the episodic adventures of Half-Life 2: Episodes 1, and 2, but the success of these spin-offs has only proved that the audience for Half-Life 3 is alive and well.

Currently Valve seems to have their hands full with modern franchises such as Dota, and Left 4 dead. The team has also been busy refining Steam and it's affiliated console the Steam Box, but how does the long awaited sequel to your most recognized franchise not demand your attention?

Recently, fans were finally given a reprieve when a trademark for Half-Life 3 was seemingly leaked by Valve. Unfortunately, the latest reports suggest that the trademark may have been the object of a hoax and fans will have to keep waiting patiently, and possibly indefinitely, for a true sequel.

A Pokemon Game for Adults

The Pokemon franchise suffers from a condition that plagues many of our childhood favorites; The series simply didn't evolve with it's audience.

To be fair, the Pokemon games are doing just fine. It is a series that has transitioned well to later generations of players. The problem is that many long time fans, dating back to the original Red/Blue versions, are now in their late 20's or early 30's. We still love these games, but we run the risk of being alienated by the simplistic game play and cartoon worlds. 

To be clear, no, I'm not talking about large breasted Pokemon trainers who violently murder one another and kick back at the end of the day with some booze and promiscuity, but the series is long overdue for a visual update. 

Let's take another page from this book and look at another beloved franchise. Who among us hasn't dreamed of a realistic, more mature Legend of Zelda? The idea is the same and while the younger audience doesn't have to be ignored, the older generation would appreciate a game that caters to their own wants and needs, and acknowledges the fact that we are the gamers that secured the success of these titles to begin with.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3

Ok, so KOTOR 2 may have been questionable. While it wasn't necessarily a BAD game, it was plagued with technical issues and a weaker story than the first. Still, Obsidian picked up where Bioware left off and fleshed out the combat and leveling systems, making KOTOR 2 quite an enjoyable game.

The biggest problem with KOTOR 2? It was the last game in the series! For years fans have been waiting for a conclusion to the story of Revan and the fallen Jedi order. The ending of KOTOR 2 was ambiguous and unsatisfying and I, for one, couldn't wait for the next game to tie up all the lose ends. 

As with the other titles on this list, a new KOTOR game was benched in favor of newer titles. It didn't help that pre-production phases of KOTOR 3 went through development hell. Obsidian was all set to make the game, but it was subsequently put on "hold" by LucasArts due to layoffs.

But wait, Star Wars Fans. In case you've been living under a rock, you are probably aware that the Star Wars franchise has been acquired by Disney who have commissioned a butt-load of new games to be made. In fact, they have contracted BioWare (Creators of the original KOTOR) to make a new Star Wars RPG!!!

Oh man, I get chills just thinking about it. Could this finally be the long awaited KOTOR sequel? There has yet to be any confirmation on the nature of the game, but this may in fact be the droid we are looking for. 

Reinstate Star Wars: Galaxies

Speaking of Star Wars, does anyone remember a fantastic little game called Star Wars Galaxies? No, not the ridiculous mess the game devolved into after the "New Game Enhancements" took effect. I'm talking about the original, un-corrupted game and it's subsequent expansion pack, Jump To Light Speed.

Star Wars Galaxies was one of the best examples of an open game play experience. From the moment you walked out of the space port with your new, fully customized character, you realized that you had taken your first step into a larger world. 

The world was huge. Enormous. Gargantuan. Feel free to throw in any other synonyms for "big". The game areas consisted of sprawling cities that were seamlessly connected to vast areas of wilderness. There were no "zones" to transition back and forth from, and the only loading screens you saw were when you traveled to different planets. You heard me. Different. Planets.

Wanna spend your days as a moisture farmer on Tatooine? Go for. Establish and become mayor or your own city on Corusant? Sure, why not? Become a bounty hunter and take contracts on other players? Smuggle goods on your freighter? Follow the force and walk the long, lonely path to becoming a Jedi? HELL YES! 

The key here is freedom, and players were given an abundance. Indeed, the force was strong with this one. Unfortunately, Sony Online Entertainment felt that they could reach a larger audience by simplifying the game into what was essentially a Third Person Shooter. Fans did not react well.

It was as if a million voices cried out in unison, and then were silenced forever. Sorry. I'll try to cut back on the Star Wars quotes. Actually, I should do, or do not. There is no try. Damnit.

PRO TIP: Fans of the game can still play the original, pre-NGE version of Star Wars Galaxies via SWGEmu. Hardcore fans and programmers have been working for years to reverse engineer the game in it's original form. While still in alpha testing, a large majority of the game is up and running. For more information, check out


While we're on the topic, is anyone else getting sick of the current stream of MMO's? It's all kill and fetch, kill and fetch, run a dungeon, repeat. At this point, the setting doesn't really matter. Every MMO seems to be the same game repackaged in a new skin. Why do we keep paying for this?

I'm a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi, but enough is enough already. I'm burnt out on epic struggles and names I can't pronounce. Why can't we see something a little closer to reality? What about a historical MMO set in a particular, real world, time period?

I've always fantasized about an old west MMO, or something pirate themed. Or maybe a medieval setting with less focus on fantasy and more on history. The point is, we can only handle so many evil wizards or possessed kings before it starts wearing thin.

Really, I want MMO's to get back to their roots. Accessibility should not be a concern and the games should be catered to the hard core. Or, ya know.....zombies.

How do you feel about the current video game trends? Is there a long lost title that should be remade, or a sequel that's long overdue? Let us know in the comments below.

For questions or suggestions, please email us at

For all things gaming, check back with The De-evolution of Video Games.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Next Gen

The count down has begun. Unless you have been living under a rock, you are probably aware that this month marks the highly anticipated launch of next gen consoles by industry leaders Sony and Microsoft. I think it's safe to say that the majority of us have already made our choice of which console to purchase this holiday season, but for those who are on the fence, lets do a quick run down of the Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. 

Hardware and Graphics

I'm not a techie by any stretch of the imagination and we could spend all day talking about the subtle differences of the two systems. The simple fact is that the actual hardware only plays a small role in overall performance. Each individual factor is less important than how the system works as a whole. 

There are aspects of each console that are respectively better than it's competitor, but unless you have a degree in electronics, engineering, or software design, these aspects will probably mean very little. 

As an example, the specs of the PlayStation 3 were far superior to those of the Xbox 360. However, as a complete system, the 360 generally performed better (Especially in the beginning) due to software compatibility and greater accessibility by game designers. While the PS3 made a major come back in recent years (I'm not partial, I think both systems are fantastic) the 360 was a more stable system that generally produced better looking games with higher performance rates.

For the sake of brevity, lets just say that both systems are leaps and bounds ahead of their predecessors. Unfortunately, we can't really say which is better until we try them our for ourselves. For the techies out there, full system specs can be found here.


This is where things start to get interesting. Both systems have come a long way in user accessibility and will tout a range of new features. Some are shared and some are unique to each system so lets try to break this down.  

FeatureXbox OnePlayStation 4
Optical Drive
500 GB Hard Drive
500 GB 5400 RPM
SATA II Hard Drive
External Storage
Yes, USB
Removable Hard Drive
Yes. Must be at least 
160 GB, thinner than 
Cloud Storage
Play As You Download
Remote Download
Account Access From 
Multiple Consoles
Mandatory Game Installs
Required Internet Connection
No, but required for
mandatory day one 
Used Game Fee
Digital Game Sharing or
Backwards Compatibility
Cross Game Chat
Controller Batteries
2 AA Batteries. 
Rechargeable Battery 
Packs Sold Separately.
Rechargeable (Built In)
Motion Control
Kinect 2
Duel Shock 4,
PlayStation Eye (Not
Included), PlayStation
Move (Not Included)
Second Screen
SmartGlass (Not Included) 
PS Vita (Not Included)
Voice Commands
Yes (TBA)
Subscription Service
Xbox Live
PlayStation Plus
USB 3.0 (3 Ports)
USB 3.0 (2 Ports)
Live Streaming
Reputation Preservation
Achievements Will Be 
Trophies Will Be 
Blue Tooth
Blue Tooth 2.1 (EDR)
Wi-Fi Direct (For Device
Power Supply
External (Power Brick)

Created with the HTML Table Generator

Additionally, each system will have access to a variety of online features including standard online play, Netflix, Skype, Hulu Plus, and web browsers. The catch is that Microsoft will be charging fees for these services via paid subscriptions to Xbox Live Gold, while Sony is offering most of them for free. However, Microsoft will offer a larger variety of these apps such as the NFL app, and possibly ESPN and HBO Go.

Alright, enough with technicalities. Lets get to the good part. THE GAMES! Unfortunately we live in a world where not every game is available for every console, so if there's one game that will decide your choice of console, this part is very important.

Launch Date Titles

Xbox One

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
Fighter Within
Forza Motorsport 5
Just Dance 2014
Killer Instinct
LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25 
NBA 2K14
NBA Live 2014
Need For Speed: Rivals
Powerstar Golf
Ryse: Son of Rome
Skylanders: Swap Force
Zoo Tycoon
Zumba Fitness: World Party

PlayStation 4

Angry Birds Star Wars
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Blacklight: Retribution
Call of Duty: Ghosts
DC Universe Online
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Just Dance 2014
Killzone Shadow Fall
LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
NBA Live 2014
Need For Speed: Rivals
PlayRoom (Included with PS4, requires PlayStation Eye)
Skylander Swap Force
Sound Shapes
Super Motherload
Trine 2: The Complete Story

Confirmed Exclusive Titles

Xbox One
Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
Fable Legends
The Fighter Within
Forza Motorsport 5
The Next Halo Game (Currently Untitled)
Killer Instinct
Kinect Sports Rivals
Powerstar Golf
Quantum Break
Ryse: Son of Rome
Sunset Overdrive 
Xbox Fitness

Playstation 4
Basement Crawl
Earth Defense Force
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Infamous Second Son
Kill Zone Shadow Fall
Mobile Suit Gundam 
The Order: 1866
Shadow of the Beast
Deep Down
The Playroom 

Keep in mind that these are only the games that have been confirmed as an exclusive and/or launch title. There are many MANY more games in production that will be released at a later date for each respective console. 

Personally, the decision between Dead Rising 3 and Infamous: Second Son is an excruciating one, but don't fret. If you still haven't decided, there are a few more things to consider.


The Xbox One will come packaged with a full headset, while the PS4 will only include ear buds. Each console will include a 14 day trail for their respective online services. The PlayStation 4 is being released on November 15th, while Xbox fans will have to wait until November 22nd, and the PS4 will set you back $399.00, a full $100 less than the Xbox One. 

The next great console war is nearly upon us. Which side will you chose?

Check back to The De-evolution of Video Games for all of your gaming needs. For the latest news, be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook. Please leave a comment in the area below. For questions or suggestions, email us at 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

VGS: Round 4 Winner

This week we pitted two hunters of things that go bump in the night against one another in a supernatural showdown of magical proportions. Aims were accurate, and sword thrusts were mighty, but in the end only one could remain standing.

With 60% of the votes, Geralt of Rivia has triumphed over the demon hunter Dante. Dante's brute force and demonic heritage were an obvious advantage in this duel, but in the end those factors proved to be his downfall. Geralt took full advantage of his superior knowledge and preparation,  and has lived to fight another day.

Check back for more Video Game Showdown, and help us decide who is gamings ultimate bad-ass. 

Be sure to subscribe to The De-evolution of Video Games. For comments and/or suggestions, please leave a comment below or email us directly at

Monday, November 4, 2013

Gamer Girl of the Month: November

It's no secret that gaming is dominated primarily by men, but women are becoming more and more prevalent in the gaming community. In fact, roughly 41% of my readers are female (Thanks Ladies!). So starting today I will be dedicating a monthly post to the recognition of some of the most influential fan girls the gaming community has to offer. 

I know there are plenty of stereotypes floating around. Even in doing my research for this article, I was barraged by countless images of half naked women holding Xbox controllers. That's not what these features are about. We are here to shed light on the women of gaming who have broken barriers, remained dedicated to their passion, and helped to bring the gaming community into a new age. So without further ado, lets name our first Gamer Girl of the Month! 

After watching some incredible web series' this week, and being a big fan of her work in general, I have no choice but to recognize my future wife (I wish), and November's Gamer Girl of the Month, Felicia Day.

Supernatural fans will recognize Day as fan girl hacker, and role playing enthusiast, Charlie Bradbury. Being well received by audiences as a fresh face and strong female role on the series, Day's Charlie has become a reoccurring character on the long running WB series. 

While her work on Supernatural has helped launch her into the mainstream, Day is no stranger to the small screen. Her first big break came in 2003 when she was cast as fledgling Slayer Violet (Vi) in season 7 of Joss Whedan's Buffy the Vampire Slayer which also aired on the WB network.

Supernatural Season 8 Episode: LARP and the Real Girl

The 34 year old Alabama native graduated as valedictorian of her class at the University of Texas with a double major in Mathematics and Violin Performance. Despite her multi-faceted talents, it is Day's love of gaming that has influenced her career the most. This is most evident in the cult phenomenon web series The Guild which she wrote, produced, and starred in.

The Guild follows MMO addict Cyd Sherman, code named "Codex", and her rag tag group of guildee's that make up The Knights of Good. While the name of the MMO is purposely left vague, Day based the series on her own real life addiction to World of Warcraft, and hoped the series would break the gamer stereotype of the middle aged man living in his parents basement. WoW fans will immediately recognize the tropes and language of the show.

The Guild gave Day the opportunity to showcase her acting talents as well as her musical abilities. Being a professional level violinist, a particular scene has Day's character playing a violin to garner the attention of her neighbor. Day also created a music video titled "Do you wanna date my Avatar?" which featured members of the cast and was used to promote the shows third season.

Aside from her work on the screen, Day has lent her voice to several video games including Fallout: New Vegas, Dragon Age II / Dragon Age: Redemption, and Guild Wars II, and is currently the co-host of Retro Lets Play: Co-Optitude at Geek and Sundry.

On the behalf of gamers everywhere, we give Felicia Day two Power Glove'd thumbs up.